Heart of the cable covering and insulating process, WTM wire wrapping heads are suitable for both tape pads and spools
Heart of the cable covering and insulating process, WTM wire wrapping heads are suitable for both tape pads and spools
适合圆扁线的生产线, 用于聚酰亚胺-FEP复合带并 配置包带烧结加热工艺
WTM cable spinning lines guarantee the delicate management and precise application of fiberglass on wires and conductors
WTM vertical sintering ovens with mixed technology are the solution to the main defects of similar curing systems
WTM可以提供全范围的加热系统和烘炉,用于烧结和密封 绝缘线缆
Specific system developed for magnifying and analysing taped cable on taping machines
WTM offers the possibility to choose also the vertical layout of its cable taping machines for saving space in production
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